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Coronavirus Lives at 20 degrees below freezing for 20 years!

Much of the coronavirus is still unknown. Almost every day new information is coming to the fore. A Chinese researcher says the virus, which spreads globally, can survive up to 20 years at a temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius.

According to Professor Li Lanzuan, a member of China's Kavid-19 expert team, the ability of the virus to survive below freezing could easily help it spread from one country to another. For this reason, he suggested increasing surveillance on imported frozen food products including salmon.

"The virus can survive for a few days at 4 degrees Celsius below freezing, but at 20 degrees Celsius it can last up to 20 years," Li Lanzuan, an infectious disease specialist, told a news conference in the western Hangzhou on Monday, state news agency China News reported.

He said, 'This explains why it has been found more than once in the country's seafood market, where there are plenty of frozen food products. It is possible that the virus came from another country.

Earlier this week, China said coronavirus was found on a salmon chopping board at a frozen food market. European salmon exporters, however, have ruled out such a possibility.

Meanwhile, China on Sunday unveiled the genome sequence or gene design of the newly infected virus. Accordingly, they claimed, 'It came from Europe.' However, it does not match the virus currently spreading in Europe. As a result, they thought it was hidden in frozen food for some time. Source: Daily Mail.
