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Brazilian President Corona is attacked!

Brazilian President Zaire Bolsonaro has been diagnosed with coronavirus. Her report came out 'positive' in the sample test. He is currently in the Presidential Palace. 

It is learned that he has already started taking hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. However, Coronavirus has not been given much importance by Brazilian President Zaire Bolsonaro from the beginning. 

He called the coronavirus 'little flu'. He even objected to wearing a mask. But in his own country, he became terrified as the Corona infection took a terrible shape. 

Keep checking again and again. He was afraid that Corona might be attacked any day. He also made the doctors busy with this. This extra panic of his became ridiculous to many. In the end, however, his fears came true.

He has been suffering from coronavirus symptoms since last Sunday. Zaire Bolsonaro also discussed this with journalists. 

Then last Monday he returned home from the office with a fever. Then the corona is tested. The report came positive on Tuesday. The 85-year-old president was a former player. So the doctors think that his body is more than immune. 

However, the President of Brazil has been kept under strict surveillance. The Corona situation in Brazil at the moment is dire. Affected, the country ranks second in the world in terms of deaths. 

In Brazil, 18,64,655 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus so far and 6,808 have died.

Source: BBC
